Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017

Women And Control: Are You Trying to Micromanage The World So You Don't Feel So Anxious?

Control is the need to get people to do what you want them to do so you don't feel so anxious. Control can take on many forms. Some control boldly: "You're a wimp who doesn't know how to stand up to anyone. Tell your boss you're not working on Saturday or I'm leaving." Some women control by incessantly complaining and constantly trying to tweak what the other person is doing: "Would you PLEASE put the lid on the pan when you're cooking and would you load the dishwasher the way I've asked you to?!" Some women control through manipulation: "Do you really think going out again tonight is the best choice? If you stay in maybe we could make love." Regardless of whether you yell, beg, manipulate or demand, the bottom line is...it's still control.

The problem with controlling others is it's an illusion. There is no way you can control another person. Ultimately, other people get the final say in what they choose to do or not do. Your need to control others is a total waste of time. Controlling others is also incredibly dysfunctional.

Answer the questions below honestly to see if you struggle with control:

1. Do you demand that your partner put the kids to bed your way, at the time you specify, with little to no exceptions?
2. Do you tell your partner, children or friends how to dress?
3. Do the people in your house need to load the dishwasher, clean the floors or wash the counter tops a certain way?
4. Do you not trust the father of your children to be alone with them unless you're there to manage how he cares for them?
5. Do you beg your partner to talk to you and when he does, you tell him it wasn't deep enough or what he was really feeling or _______(fill in the blank)?
6. Do you tell your children how to dress, what to do and how to think?
7. Do you do everything yourself at work because it's just easier?
8. Do you micro-manage your employees because they always make mistakes?

People who struggle with control often deny they're controlling. They simply believe they're right. They may take a healthy concept like kids-need-to-go-to-bed-at-a-certain-hour-because-they-need-their-sleep, but rigidly apply it. Kids-need-their-sleep becomes kids-can-never-go-off-their-schedules. When others try to challenge the rigidity, there's no way to win. Changing the routine is just too anxiety-provoking for you and not worth the fight for them.

The need to control how things are done because you know your way is the "right" way will rot away your relationships. The truth is no one likes to be controlled. Eventually the people in your life will grow tired of your endless reprimands, requests and demands. They will gradually grow to be more and more resentful of your need to control and you will likely lose them. The more intense your grasp, the more people want to get out from under your clutches. This reaction is true for children, partners and employees.

When it comes to control: check your grip. Learn to relax your grip for your sake as well as those around you. This shift will open up your world in ways you never imagined. No longer needing to control the world will allow you to enjoy it.

Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2017

Why Should You Go With Bright Yellow Diamond Rings?

"Diamonds are a girl's best friend", is an adage people still live by. The fascination for diamonds has captured women since ages; for their shine, sparkle and magical, seductive appeal. The brilliance and the significance of a diamond ring are well known as it stands for romance, love, commitment. It's a promise which a lady will hold to heart always. Memories are made around the scintillating brilliance of exquisite rings. Traditionally, classic rings sufficed, but today colored rings are a raging trend making heads turn everywhere. One of the popular choices is the yellow diamond rings that are making their presence felt across continents by women of all age groups. Let us understand some of the reasons on why they are the new rage everywhere.

Unique and different

Sporting a dazzling diamond ring, can make heads turn. One stands out as it is a sartorial choice. It displays a unique personality from the rest. Yellow diamond rings are not found commonly, making the wearer come across as fun, independent and stylish. One who is independent, modern, and contemporary can identify with this new wave in classic diamond jewelry making you a strikingly bold woman. It will definitely get you noticed by one and all.


It is a known fact that the yellow colored stones are slightly less expensive than the sheer ones. This makes them affordable to any man attempting to please his future wife with a beautiful, elegant, and unique ring. A lifetime heirloom can easily be within reach with these new kinds of brilliant diamonds. You need not now break the bank to invest in high quality diamond jewellery.

Design factor

One can easily find beautiful designs and setting for your ring. Halo, micro-pave, solitaire, and split chain settings are just a few of the many styles one can choose from. The cut, clarity, and carat are flawless like any other classic diamond ring. One can find the same level of detailing and exquisite designs in this category too. You can go for vintage, classic or the very modern, sleek, contemporary style.


If you buy them from trusted jewelers, they are valuable in terms of their purity and make for prudent investment choices. Beautiful jewellery is always a treasure to be cherished and it will always add to your overall asset base.


These rings have an everlasting appeal that spans age groups. It can be worn and blended with both casual and vintage ensembles, as well as look good on young vivacious woman, and also complement elderly women. This allure is not to be easily seen in other kinds of stones or other shades of diamonds.